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Teen Spirits
About Jeffrey Epstein and a book named Lolita
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Teen Spirits

Some have followed the recently reopened court case of sex offender Jeffrey Epstein over the past weeks. The US American born billionaire was sentenced very lightly years ago for trafficking and abusing underage teenage girls, mid 2019 the case was given to Federal US Courts who charged the billionaire anew.

Through agents - most of them victims themselves - Epstein had his environments scanned in the early years of 2000 for underage girls who would be interested in providing a body massage for an elderly man in exchange for around $300. The billionaire would soon ask most of his hired teen girls to perform various sex services, however. Not only in Florida and New York, but apparently also on his privately owned island.

To the billionaire's Virgin (!) Island residence he had baptised 'Little Saint James', Epstein would have girls flown in with his personally owned plane named 'Lolita Express', a Boeing 727. The planeloads of underage teenage girls did not fly alone, however. Many times they were accompanied by an illustrious list of elite politicians and business titans, not limited to Bill Clinton, who appears 27 times on various Lolita Express flight logs that were assembled by different pilots over the years. Epstein had received his plane - and most of his wealth, too - from another rich man: Lesley Wexner, the man who had founded the famous Victoria's Secret label and enterprise.

While traveling the world with some of the most powerful and connected world leaders in politics, science, and business made me believe that I was important, I was really only there to service these individuals sexually. (Virginia Roberts)

Jeffrey Epstein and his elite friends probably chose the high flying teen carrier name in close alignment with Vladimir Nabokov's book 'Lolita', which was first published in 1955. The story tells of an elderly man who feels sexually attracted to a 12 year old teenager girl and who goes so far as to marry the girl's mother to be able to reside with Dolores - alias Lolita - in the same house. Nabokov, a Russian born academic whose father got killed in Berlin in 1922 by a Russian monarchist, emigrated to the US in 1940. He was frequently consulted at Wellesley College because of his Russian language skills which were in high demand back then, and went to Cornell University in 1948. There, he was surrounded by many young talented students, one of them being later Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who identified Nabokov as someone who had an important influence in her life as a writer:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg would dedicate her life to legalising radical liberal concepts, among them reducing the age for sexual consent to 12 years.

Eliminate the phrase ‘carnal knowledge of any female, not his wife, who has not attained the age of 16 years’ and substitute a federal, sex-neutral definition of the offense ... A person is guilty of an offense if he engages in a sexual act with another person, ... [and] the other person is, in fact, less than 12 years old. (Co-author Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 'Sex Bias in the US Code' Report, page 102)

In a rather strange way, Nabokov's novel, which was abused in the early 1960s for the making of a Hollywood movie with the same title, suddenly appears in the year 2007 on the Modern Library Best 100 List, where it was ranked fourth - at about the same time when billionaire Epstein was indicted in Florida for the first time.

Epstein was convicted mildly in 2008 for only two counts of sex solicitations, serving less than 14 month in a Palm Beach county jail that allowed him to walk free 12 hours a day, after he entered into a plea deal with local prosecutors in Florida. An opportunity, the billionaire could hardly pass by unseized: he had abused teen girls also during his free pass 13 month "jail" time. Judges and prosecutors were pressured to keep the case covered as much as possible, not only because of the massive influence Epstein's money was able to buy.

In 2005, for a total of 12 months, the Palm Beach Police Department began investigating after the parents of a 14-year old girl complained that their daughter had been sexually abused. Shortly after, the police identified more than 20 girl who had been abused as well - one of them told the police that Epstein had used her over 50 times. Meanwhile, some of the girls reported back to Epstein that they had been questioned by the police. The billionaire immediately hires famous TV law celebrity Alan Dershowitz (US-Democrat), who flew in to personally talk to Florida's State Attorney Barry Krischer (US-Democrat) about the case. Soon, parents of the girls were threatened and the police detective's trashcans were searched by Epstein's own "investigators" - or rather terrorists - according to court documents.

Alan Dershowitz flew down and met privately with [State Attorney] Krischer. And the shenanigans that happened, I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of before. (Palm Beach County Police)

State Attorney Krischer brings the case in front of a grand jury, which strangely returns with only a single count on "soliciting prostitution". The case is about to be dropped with no charges at all for Epstein. In 2006, a police detective referred the case to the FBI, which began investigating as well. Miami-based US Federal Prosecutor Alexander Acosta gets involved. He ensures that Epstein is charged at least at a minimum, with the need to register as a sex offender two years later in 2008. The billionaire's legal team, assembled with the help of lawyer Dershowitz during maybe a few group sex sessions, seemed to have been worth the investment: Kenneth Starr, Jay Lefkowitz and later also former US Attorney Bruce Reinhart, who left his post on January 1, 2008 to help Epstein's confiances from January 2, 2008 on.

The year 2008 also marked an important US election year in which Barack Obama later took over the White House. In 2006, the US Democratic Party still favored Hillary Clinton as presidential nominee, who in the end had to wait another eight years for her attempted US presidential run.

In this retrospect, the many fallouts from the Epstein case were a disturbing factor back then - also for the many other elites that were entangled with Epstein. Among these people in close contact with Jeffrey Epstein was Ghislaine Maxwell for example, daughter of British media mogul Robert Maxwell. She had an affair with Epstein and remained close to him for decades. She is reported as being omnipresent and as being "very forceful" during sexual interactions with the girls, according to one of the victims named Virginia Roberts:

Maxwell was about sex all the time. She had sex with underage girls virtually every day when I was around her, and she was very forceful. I first had sexual activities with her when I was approximately 15 at the Palm Beach mansion. I had many sexual activities with her over the next several years in Epstein's various residences plus other exotic locations. I also observed Maxwell have sex with dozens of underage girls. Many times she made me sleep with other girls, some of whom were very young, for purposes of taking sexual pictures. (Epstein victim Virginia Roberts)

Ghislaine Maxwell participated in Chelsea Clinton's wedding and is close to Prince Andrews, who was also in contact with Epstein's girls.

The billionaire's girl selection was not limited to his island, to Florida, and to his mansion in New York, of course. He had international models scanned all over the world and transformed some of them literally into sex slaves. His beauty pilot possibly as well, who became not only an essential transport help for Epstein's teen freight, but most likely also a handler for the acquisition of seemingly never ending rows of runway girls. Another essential Epstein help was a person named Rachel Chandler, or chandler for short in electronic communications. Some claim this synonym to resemble not only her name, but also the meaning child handler.

In 2017, the billionaire paid three women 5.5 million US dollars to end a lawsuit against him. Epstein also owns a ranch in New Mexico, where he once stated - hopefully joking - that he wants to spread his DNA to the entire world by impregnating as many girls as possible.

Donald Trump banned Epstein already in 2005 from his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, after it came out that Epstein had sexually assaulted one of the towel girls there. Trump also stopped being in contact with the billionaire since then, they had known each other before as rich neighbours from the even more rich Palm Beach, Florida neighbourhood.

Through the Jeffrey Epstein IV Foundation, the billionaire also sat on the 'Mind, Brain, and Behavior Committee' at Harvard University for some time.

On August 10, 2019, Epstein was found dead in his prison cell according to investigators, this after he tried to commit suicide a few weeks earlier and was put on suicide watch. The cameras of the high security prison were allegedly malfunctioning that particular night.

Epstein's alleged 'suicide' did not really stop the case from settling down at all. While four different investigations are underway to find out the exact circumstances of the billionaire's death, a judge declares in a rather pre-ejaculating way that the billionaire's death is considered a suicide, elegantly neglecting many issues regarding Epstein's death. Even Epstein's lawyers had questioned the initial decision of the New York judge.

Meanwhile, further news bring to light that Epstein had bought two pairs of undersize women panties in 2008 during his Florida "jail" time and that a french model agency had helped to bring Epstein in contact with over 1000 girls in the past. Some disturbing news about Alan Dershowitz are also added to the case stack, just like findings with regard to Bill Clinton.

Coincidentially, Epstein had signed his testament only two days prior to his death. His total wealth is worth more than $500 million, now in the hands of his brother Mark Epstein. One of the executors of Epstein's testament is a person named Boris Nikolic, former chief advisor of science and technology for Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Prinz Andrews is being dragged further into the Epstein matter meanwhile. An almost catastrophic BBC interview from 2019 creates a storm over the entire British crown family.

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This article was entirely created and written by Martin D., an accredited and independent, investigative journalist from Europe. He holds an MBA from a US University and a Bachelor Degree in Information Systems and had worked early in his career as a consultant in the US and EU. He does not work for, does not consult, does not own shares in or receives funding from any corporation or organisation that would benefit from this article so far.

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