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Culpando a Rússia com o Boomerang
Sobre o maior escândalo político na história dos Estados Unidos
 Traduzido do inglês usando IA  

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Almost anyone knows how a boomerang works. The half-circled vehicle can be thrown into the air and seemingly without end be watched ascending in the blue sky. But at some point the unstoppable climb can come to an abrupt halt. Due to the boomerang's rotational movements around its own axis, a so-called precession can cause a complete reversal of the flight direction. It is not unlikely that a boomerang returns to the originating thrower to hit him or her in the back.

O Dossiê Anti-Trump


A sede de campanha política de Hillary Clinton, denominada DNC, encomendou a uma empresa de consultoria política e a um ex-agente do MI6 o fabrico de um dossier anti-Trump falsificado e comprovadamente difamatório com alegado comportamento na Rússia e com Putin por milhões de USD.

Espionagem em Trump


O dossier é utilizado pelo FBI para espionar a campanha do Trump antes e depois das eleições de 2016. O dossier sujo é também mal utilizado pelo Departamento de Estado e transmitido aos representantes dos meios de comunicação social que geram um Zeitgeist inflado, no qual canalizam deliberadamente para o mundo que o Presidente dos EUA seria um activo e agente da Rússia e de Putin.

O negócio do Urânio Um


Por volta de 2005, Frank Guistra e Bill Clinton compraram os direitos de uma grande mina de urânio no Cazaquistão e fundaram imediatamente uma empresa que mais tarde se tornou a Uranium One, sediada no Canadá. A empresa também geriu 20% de todas as reservas de urânio dos EUA e que são vendidas à Rosatom da Rússia em 2013, um negócio mediado por Hillary e Bill Clinton, entre outros.

O Estado Profundo


O infame dossier anti-Trump é mal utilizado pela maioria dos senadores democratas dos EUA que apelam a uma investigação sobre a alegada influência da Rússia no Trump. A AG Sessions declara que ele seria tendencioso porque se tinha encontrado com o embaixador da Rússia e, consequentemente, a segunda pessoa mais elevada do poder judicial dos EUA, Rod Rosenstein, nomeia o seu superior de longa data Robert Mueller como chefe do Conselho Especial em 2017.

As Investigações


Várias investigações no Congresso dos EUA e no Senado dos EUA trazem à luz o escândalo político, são emitidas várias referências criminais ao Procurador-Geral, entre elas para o antigo Director Comey do FBI e Director Adjunto McCabe, Hillary Clinton e outros ex-funcionários de alto nível também dentro do Departamento de Justiça.

O Bumerangue


Após dois anos de investigações com mais de 30 milhões de dólares gastos, incluindo 19 advogados, 40 agentes do FBI, mais de 2.800 intimações, 500 mandados de busca, 13 inquéritos a governos estrangeiros, e mais de 500 entrevistas a testemunhas, o Conselheiro Especial Robert Mueller anuncia finalmente em Março de 2019 que a Rússia não estava ilegalmente envolvida na campanha Trump, e também não com o Presidente dos EUA.

Such a boomerang seems to have been thrown out around the time of September 2015. Back then, a not yet fully identified 'conservative client' ordered a consulting firm named 'Fusion GPS' from Washington, DC to investigate Donald J. Trump who was at that time seeking to become Republican nominee for the US presidential election in November 2016.

The Anti-Trump Dossier

After Trump was officially elected as presidential candidate in the spring of 2016, Republican payments to Fusion GPS were halted. But that did not stop the dossier work - it actually started now. Like a torch, it was passed on to the US-Democratic Party. Supporters of Hillary Clinton through their party headquarter - the Democratic National Committee (DNC) - stepped in and became the new donors for Fusion GPS regarding the dossier against Trump.

In June of 2016, shortly after Wikileaks made the many E-mails from the Democratic National Committee Server public, Fusion GPS hired an ex-MI-6 agent from Great Britain by the name Christopher Steele to further strengthen the data collection process against Trump.

Steele and Fusion GPS relentlessly continued their work before, during, and even after the election. John McCain, a strong opponent of Donald Trump from within the own Republican party heard about the dossier and had a close aide fly to London to inspect the paper and its originator. McCain passed the dossier shortly after to then-FBI director James Comey who had already been informed about the paper, and who most likely also briefed then-president Barack Obama about the Fusion GPS work.

In early January 2017, a few weeks before the inauguration of the new US-President Donald J. Trump, all four former top US intelligence chiefs - James Comey, John Brennan, Mike Rogers, and James Clapper - arrived at Trump Tower in New York. They discussed alleged Russian influence on the past election for a while before James Comey intentionally was left alone in the room with Donald Trump. E foi aqui que o ex-diretor do FBI Comey confrontou o novo presidente dos EUA com as alegações sujas de dossiê pela primeira vez, de uma maneira que lembra a extorsão.

Shortly before Trump's inauguration in January 2017, the dossier was passed to BuzzFeed News and which immediately put it on their website. BuzzFeed News is sponsored by NBC News through it's owner ComCast with shares worth millions of dollars. The dossier had already been shared by and among journalists in Washington, DC in the weeks and months before.

The US-President calls the dossier fake news ever since and full of unconfirmed, salacious allegations which he and his close associates identify as "stupid stuff" among other - a valid and truthful assessment when taking time to actually read the dossier entirely. A summary of the dossier's many contradictory statements can be read here.

Ever since the appearance of the dossier however, the global mainstream media speculated when, where, how, and how much Donald Trump had won the election solely through the support of Russia and it's government. One ill-led press story followed the next in the weeks and months after the swearing-in of the new US president. For the most part fictitious press reports were released, fueled by the many mainstream media propaganda ambitions that got distributed to outlets all over the planet.

In March of 2017, CIA Director Michael Morell was one of the first who issued concerns about the dossier. Christopher Steele interviewed witnesses through intermediaries and had paid for their allegations, according to Morell.

"E então eu me perguntei, por que esses caras deram essa informação, qual foi a motivação deles? E posteriormente soube que ele os pagou. Que os intermediários pagaram as fontes [do dossiê] e os intermediários receberam o dinheiro de Chris [topher Steele]. E isso me preocupa um pouco porque se você está pagando alguém, especialmente ex-oficiais do FSB, eles vão te contar a verdade, insinuações e boatos, e vão te ligar e dizer: 'Ei, vamos tem outra reunião, eu tenho mais informações para vocês', porque eles querem receber um pouco mais ... Acho que você tem que levar tudo isso em consideração quando analisa o dossiê." (Ex-Diretor da CIA Michael Morell em 2017)

O dossiê circulou enquanto isso, também pousando nas mãos do empresário russo Gubarev e que - segundo o dossiê formulado por Steele e Fusion GPS - teria usado seus provedores de hospedagem na web para invadir os servidores do DNC. Gubarev arquiva uma ação judicial contra o site de publicação BuzzFeed News. Consequentemente, um tribunal dos EUA ordena que Christopher Steele testemunhe em um tribunal na Inglaterra, uma demanda inicialmente rejeitada pelo ex-funcionário do MI-6. Mais tarde, o tribunal sela os depoimentos feitos por Steele e David Kramer.

Increasing pressure had mounted on ex-FBI Director James Comey since January as well and on May 9, 2017 Director Comey is dismissed from his post as Director of the FBI following the the appropriate recommendation from US Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Meanwhile, a Senate commission told Fusion GPS that they would not only be interested in questioning it's head of the organisation Glenn Simpson. In October 2017, approximately 40,000 Fusion GPS document are handed over to the US Senate and a few days later Fusion GPS key staff members Peter Fritsch and Thomas Catan refuse to testify before a Senate Committee, referring to the 5th amendment of the constitutions of the United States - a law usually utilized to prevent harming oneself.

At the end of October 2017, the press reports that a website called 'Free Beacon' had first contacted Fusion GPS regarding the dossier against Trump. Chairman of the conservative website is Michael Goldfarb, a former campaign manager for Republican Senator John McCain.

Mid November 2017 Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson is invited to testify in front of the US Congress. For the most part he lets his lawyer speak, stating among other that he did not even bother to verify the many dossier's claims. No wonder, given the nearly $10 million US Dollars paid for by the Democratic Party headquarters in the Washington, DC - the DNC - to a law firm named Perkins Coie, the vast part of it reaching Fusion GPS afterwards. Payments, which nobody at the DNC was able recall months later. The press and communications officer of the Democratic Party at the end of October 2017:

"Tom Perez and the new leadership of the DNC were not involved in the decisions regarding Fusion GPS, nor did they know that Perkins Coie [a law firm that received about $10 million from the DNC from 2015 until 2016] had worked with the organization. But let us be clear that there is a federal investigation into Trump's campaign with Russia, and that the American people deserve to find out what really happened.

Just in this sense, light was pointed on completely different knowledge:

Uranium One and the Clinton Foundation

In April 2015 the New York Times reported that in connection with a former Canadian company called 'Uranium One' millions of dollars had flowed to the Clinton Foundation from 2009 until 2013. At the end of that time period, Uranium One, Inc. - a US uranium reserve managing company - was entirely taken over by Russia's energy giant Rosatom.

It started in 2005 when former US President Bill Clinton helped a billionaire friend from Canada named Frank Giustra to obtain rights of a uranium mine in Kazakhstan. Through this deal, Giustra's company Ur-Asia Energy, Ltd. could not only merge with a Canadian-South African company called Uranium One through a $3.5 billion US dollars transaction, but was also able to donate several tens of millions of US dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

But Putin's Kremlin also wanted the uranium reserves from Kazakhstan and began influencing key Kazakh government people. Soon the only a few months before celebrating managers responsible for the Giustra deal were arrested. All of a sudden, Uranium One's stake in the Kazakh mine was in danger of being confiscated by the government.

The stock value of Uranium One went downhill and the panicking chairmen turned to the US State Department led by Hillary Clinton. Emergency meetings with the Kazakh government were arranged, and a few days later it was announced that a solution was found: Russia's energy giant Rosatom would take over 17 percent of Uranium One and the dilemma with the Kazakhstan mine would disappear - as well as that of the Clinton Foundation donors.

The Kremlin however wanted not only shares of the uranium markets but control over as much as possible. But in order to take over Uranium One completely, the Kremlin first had to convince the entire US-Obama administration that it would make sense to fully absorb the Canadian arm of Uranium One - which manages one-fifth of all US uranium reserves - to Russia.

For such critical decisions with concern to US national security, a special approval is needed from the so-called CFIUS-Committee, comprised of superiors from 14 US government agencies. Hillary Clinton as the head of the US State Department for example and Eric Holder, then-Attorney General, and whose people were very familiar at that time about the Russian influence and bribery related to the Uranium One matter - for example through the highest ranking US prosecutor, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

In March 2010 Hillary Clinton travels to Moscow where she met with Vladimir Putin and Medvedev among other. Only a few months later, Bill Clinton holds a speech in Moscow and gets paid $500,000 US dollars, an amount well beyond his usual speaking fees. The money is not paid by a bored Russian gas billionaire but comes from 'Renaissance Capital Bank' - a bank with close ties to the Kremlin that also traded Uranium One shares.

In October 2010 the CFIUS committee announced that it would not have any objections against the 100% Rosatom takeover of Uranium One despite concerns from some Republicans. Voilà !

Shortly after the deal, the chairman of Uranium One grants four generous donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling $2.35 million US dollars and which are not made public by the Clintons - despite obligations to report all income during Hillary Clinton's public service as member of the US government.

The justification of the Clintons was and is that the donations related to Uranium One went to the Canadian branch of the Clinton Foundation, and that Canadian law supposedly would prohibit a disclosure of donation funds.

In total, as much as 140 million US dollars were given to the Clinton Foundation related to the acquisition of Uranium One, a company takeover Rosatom's chairman Sergei Kiriyenko shortly after commented with "few could have imagined in the past that we would ever be able to acquire 20% of the US uranium reserves."

October 2017 unveils that the US Department of Justice allegedly is conducting an actual serious investigation regarding Uranium One and Rosatom. A US Senator calls upon the US Attorney General to repeal an FBI confidentiality non-disclosure agreement with a businessman in order for him to testify before the US Congress - a business insider who worked for the FBI as Uranium One informant and who got paid by the FBI for his work.

Meanwhile, the financial flows of the Clinton Foundation bring more light onto the radioactive Uranium One matter. Through a company called APCO Worldwide the Clinton Foundation received additional grants for their alleged support of Russian energy companies and who wanted to participate in bidding contracts for the US energy market worth billions of dollars. That way the companies from Russia would at least potentially be able to sell the electricity created from the Uranium One deal back again to the US.

There were also generous donations from German taxpayers to the Clinton Foundation. Both the GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment are named as donors in the category 1 to 5 million US dollars. In particular the environmental ministry BMU payments are more than dubious since they occurred in the third quarter of 2016 and hence during the peak US election phase. These payments were allegedly given to the Clinton Foundation for environmental projects in Kenya and Ethiopia - 'tree reforestation', as the BMU officially proclaimed.

But the Clinton Foundation's connections reach even further - to the end of the world, so to speak. One of their largest donors is the Australian State Department led by Alexander Downer, and who is criticized soon for being one of the first to have launched the 2016 anti-Trump investigations for and/or with the FBI.

In addition, the many dramas surrounding the so-called 'Special Counsel' to investigate Trump's alleged campaign connections with Russia also opens one wild chapter after another since mid 2017.

The 'Deep State' and the 'Special Counsel'

After the false and salacious anti-Trump Dossier had deliberately circled around in the public in the first months of 2017, then still FBI Director James Comey convinced the US Senate and also the FBI to initiate a judicial review of alleged Russian involvements into Trump's campaign - this even after Comey's dissmissal and his leaking of classified information to colleagues and media outlets.

A nomeação do chefe de tal investigação seria de responsabilidade pessoal de Jeff Sessions, procurador-geral dos Estados Unidos. As sessões, no entanto, se recusam por causa da pressão do dossiê quase criminal, membros do Partido Democrata e alguns republicanos anti-Trump com a desculpa de que ele se encontrou com Sergey Kislyak - embaixador russo nos EUA - várias vezes e, portanto, pode tendencioso. O procurador-geral interino, Dana Boente, assume as responsabilidades de Jeff Session por um breve período de cerca de quatro meses, durante o qual Boente assina alguns mandados de espionagem de funcionários de Trump e ex-membros de sua campanha política. Finalmente, em abril de 2017, o segundo oficial do DOJ, Vice-Procurador-Geral Rod Rosenstein, assume e nomeia seu supervisor de longa data Robert Mueller - bom amigo de James Comey, aliás - em maio de 2017 como o chefe do conselho especial.

Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and James Comey are according to insiders examples of the so-called "Deep State", a shadow government in the US that wants to hide important political and social decisions from the public in hidden rooms to circumvent the republic and especially the US constitution.

In this context, Rod Rosenstein's wife Lisa Barsoomian should be mentioned. Lisa works as a lawyer for the firm R. Craig Lawrence and who had helped Hillary Clinton in seventeen legal cases from 1991 to 2017, Bill Clinton forty times, Barack Obama forty-five times, James Comey five times, and even Robert Mueller himself three times.

Robert Mueller and his colleagues at the 'Special Counsel' finally begin their work on the matter. On October 30, 2017 Trump's former campaign director Paul Manafort is indicted, mostly for financial reasons as foreign funds have allegedly been channeled into the US coming from a Cyprus company without being properly declared. Paul Manafort's lawyer dismisses Mueller's accusations quite outrageously that very day. Already at the end of July 2017 the FBI had knocked on Manafort doors with a search warrant. Not at the front-door of his house, but right at the bedroom door - and not only very early in the morning, but interestingly a whole week before Rod Rosenstein had actually appointed Robert Mueller as head of the 'Special Counsel'.

Very vague ideas about the Special Counsel and it's legal scope circle around - and not only in the USA. At least the US Department of Justice should know that since 1972 a memoranda exists stating that a US President cannot be prosecuted since this would impede his executive capabilities. Investigations may possibly and only lead to an impeachment, and which is a political undertaking to be decided in Congress - with three quarters of all votes.

Interesting regarding Paul Manafort's case is that Robert Mueller's indictment reaches the press three days before it is executed - a highly unlawful act of the so-called 'Special Counsel'. The global left-liberal press is happy of course and prepares a weekend long Manafort's arrest on a Monday morning. In addition to Manafort, a Greek volunteer from Trump's campaign is charged with lying to the FBI. Soon a professor by the name Mifsud from Malta speaks out and refers to charges also against him in connection with Papadopoulos as a "laughingstock".

George Papadopoulos is later even indicted for making false statements to the FBI, serving 14 days prison time. A few months later and especially after his hearing at the US Senate at the end of October 2018, Papadopoulos considers pulling out of his plea agreement with Robert Mueller and intends to file charges because of government misconduct that had led to a setup of the events surrounding Halper, Mifsud, and Alexander Downer and the initiation of the entire Russia investigation by the FBI. George Papadopoulos' interview from November 2018 regarding the entire matter is very worth listening to. The same applies to his testimony before the US Committee of the Judiciary from October 2018.

More dubious actions by Rod Rosenstein come to light. Senator Louie Gohmert presents a 2014 document signed by Rod Rosenstein at a US-Senate hearing with Attorney General Jeff Sessions in which the US Deputy Attorney General sweeps the investigation, search warrants, and more regarding Rosatom's takeover of Uranium One under the table and hides access to them.

The Clinton-Email-Scandal and the FBI

At the end of November 2017 another bomb blows up the press. The former Inspector General for the Intelligence Communities Charles McCullough III. states that he was threatened by members of the Obama administration to be fired in 2016 should he continue his investigations into classified information in and on Hillary Clinton's private - and unsecured - emails and servers.

On November 29, 2017 the US Congress makes his mark. The requests of a Senate Commission towards the Department of Justice and the FBI regarding the anti-Trump dossier and other matters had been stonewalled by these two departments for months, leading to a contempt of congress case.

Further senatorial inquiries bring to light that Deputy Director of the FBI Peter Strzok had been fired by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in August 2017 - a fact made public only many months later and only because of the efforts of a few US Senators. Strzok was accused of instrumentalisation of the salacious anti-Trump dossier and had been removed from his position at the FBI because of his anti-Trump polemics.

Additional anti-Trump wrongdoings from within Robert Mueller's so-called 'Special Counsel' - and which might have consumed an estimated 8 million US dollars in just under a year - are revealed in early December 2017, particularly explosive details of Robert Mueller's senior staff members Andrew Weissmann, Bruce Ohr, and Jeannie Rhee.

December 12, 2017 brings to light that Nellie H. Ohr, wife of only four doors away from the office of the Deputy Attorney General sitting Bruce Ohr, had worked in 2016 for Fusion GPS. And on it goes with Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Director and Bruce Ohr's superior, plus Terry McAuliffe, former leading Democratic Party member:

Finally, on December 13, 2017, Rod Rosenstein is questioned in front of a Senate Commission and the US Congress and also asked to state his opinion on whether the so-called Special Counsel Robert Mueller should eventually be replaced. The top US prosecutor Rosenstein refuses to reveal in public how the appointment of the Special Counsel has actually happened, and also how it came about that Robert Mueller despite his previous activity at the law firm WilmerHale had become head of the Special Counsel despite evident conflict of interests: at the same time when Robert Mueller was a senior advisor for the law firm, WilmerHale also represented Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner. And Robert Mueller was directly involved in a project with US General Michael Flynn, and who was charged in early December 2017 for alleged false statements to the FBI by Robert Mueller himself.

Only a few days after Rosenstein's friendly but rather meaningless communication with the US Congress, the Trump administration becomes active against Robert Mueller's Special Counsel. A letter from Trump's legal team claims that Mueller's Special Counsel had illegally seized thousands of e-mail documents without any prior notice or approval, including laptops and cell phones. These charges are even more explosive because the letter warns that some of the seized information would contain classified information - some already had been leaked to the public by members of the so-called 'Special Counsel'.

On December 20, 2017 FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is interviewed behind closed doors in front of the US Congress for more than seven hours. According to attendees, he was a Democrat-friendly FBI official who was also asked during the session what he thought about the fact that Clinton's campaign at the DNC had paid for the salacious and unverified anti-Trump dossier. He allegedly answered that he could - and would - not remember.

The Uranium One scandal is slowly reaching the US Department of Justice as well, not that there is really a rush to deal with the matter. In December 2017 the DOJ states that it might be interested in looking more closely into the issue, in particular the unlawful export of uranium from the US to Canada related to Rosatom's takeover of Uranium One.

The Congress Contempt

On December 28, 2017 US-Congressman Devin Nunes sends an almost historic letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, demanding the delivery of important documents regarding Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and other high ranking members of the DOJ and the Special Counsel. Other Congressmen follow and threaten to eventually initiate impeachments and even indictments against the DOJ superiors if demands from the US Congress remain unanswered or intentionally delayed.

In the early days of 2018 it becomes clear that the boomerang has probably reached it's reversal point. On January 4, 2018 Paul Manafort files a lawsuit against the Special Counsel because he and his lawyers claim the investigations and allegations of the Special Counsel Team led by Robert Mueller as "unmoored" - a naval term, and which can also be described as unbound.

Additional findings about Fusion GPS are discoverd as well. After a court had given permission to access bank account records, Fusion GPS goes in the offensive, claiming that these would be unauthorized actions and that Fusion GPS would be the real 'victim' in all the many Russia investigations. As a response, a journalist from Venezuela reaches out to the press and informs the public about the practices of Fusion GPS. He brings to light that Fusion GPS had paid not only journalists, but also media companies.

The US Department of Justice is starting to become more active as well and launches a new investigation into the Clinton Foundation in Little Rock, Arkansas, and also into the foundations' donations related to Uranium One from many corners of the world.

On January 9, 2018, another memorable event stuns the world. The well-known US-Senator Dianne Feinstein (Democrat) from California leaks the classified court transcripts of the US Congress hearing with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson from December 2017. When both the head of the Commission Senator Grassley and also the US President criticize Feinstein's publication in a harsh way, the Californian Senator suddenly explains to a stunned press that the extreme cold wave at that time at the East Coast and therefore a flu might have stimulated her to pass the recordings to the press without the prior approval of the chairman and other members of the commission. Meanwhile, Feinstein's goal of informing all other FBI, DOJ and other witnesses in advance of future congressional hearings in order to prevent contradictory statements had been irrevocably achieved of course.

Meanwhile, the Californian senator wants to convince the public that she acted on behalf of Fusion GPS lawyers when she made the records available to the public - the powers and mandate of the US Senate Commission completely ignoring, almost as if there would be no US Constitution.

January 11, 2018 offers news about DOJ employee Bruce Ohr, and who is released from his duties at the Department of Justice. It is uncovered that he was not only connected to Fusion GPS via his wife who had worked there as a Russia specialist, but also and even with the project Cassandra and in which Bruce Ohr was in a supervisory role. Further research brings to light that Nellie Ohr had applied for a secure radio license at the NSA in May of 2016, eventually in order to transmit insider information from her husband at the Department of Justice safely to Fusion GPS and back again.

Bruce Ohr continued to be in close contact with the author of the salacious anti-trump dossier Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS even after the FBI had decided to cut its ties with the British ex-spy, this even after Bruce Ohr had warned members of the Department of Justice and the FBI already in the summer of 2016 about the politically - if not criminally - motivated funding of Steele's dossier by the Clinton campaign. These circumstances ignite in the beginning of 2019 a possible criminal investigation of senior officials at the US Department of Justice, since the so-called 'FISA-Courts' had approved a number of warrants to spy on Trump's campaign members, among them Carter Page, based on the phony Steele dossier starting October 2016. These warrants were renwed a multiple times, also with the approval of then Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Bruce Ohr also informed Andrew Weisman and Zainab Ahmad back then already about the politically motivated and DNC-financed fake anti-Trump dossier, both will later become key members in Robert Mueller's 'Special Counsel'.

Nellie Ohr também admitiu ter olhado de perto os planos de viagem de Ivanka Trump, entre outros.

Even Christopher Steele himself seemed to had been worried about his "work". According to government sources, the British ex-MI6 spy sent a text message on March 18, 2016 to Bruce Ohr and in which he wrote the following:

Hi! Just wondering if you had any news? Obviously, we’re a bit apprehensive given scheduled appearance [of ex-FBI Director James Comey] at Congress on Monday. Hoping that important firewalls will hold. Many thanks.

The US Department of Justice issues an indictment against a CEO of a nuclear transportation company from Maryland in January 2018 - a case connected to Uranium One. Further details bring to light that one of the judges in this indictment is Theodore Chuang. Chuang, an Obama nominee living in Maryland, was studying at Harvard University the exact same time when Obama did his studies there, and had been one of the first judges to reject Trump's travel ban for six muslim countries in 2017. Furthermore, Chuang had been appointed as a federal judge in 2014 against completely all Republican votes in the Senate. Plus, Chuang had been one of the most active individuals in stonewalling the 2012 deadly terror attacks against US ambassadors in Benghazi.

On January 19, 2018, FoxNews reaches out to Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya in Moscow and who had prior to the election in 2016 met and talked with members of Trump's campaign team. The mainstream media had since then characterized her as an alleged Russian spy working for Trump. In this interview she confirms the salaciousness of the anti-Trump dossier and states that she had not been interviewed by the special counsel regarding her meetings with Trump's team until then.

Veselnitskaya's meeting at Trump Tower in 2016 is being pushed into a complete different light, however, when Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson reveals in his testimony that he had apparently dined with Veselnitskaya the evening before, and after her meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016. Also Rob Goldstone, the man who brought Veselnitskaya in contact with Donald Trump Jr., and who arranged the infamous Trump Tower meeting with her along with Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort on June 9, 2016, stated that Veselnitskaya had unsuccessfully requested two additional meetings with the Trump Team - one after Trump's election win and another shortly after his inauguration in January 2017. Furthermore, October 2018 brings to light that according to Russian press reports Deputy Attorney General Karapetyan had allegedly died in a helicopter crash near Moscow. The high ranking Russian government officer had close ties to lawyer Veselnitskaya, both had come under criticism because they jointly had been involved in a bribery scandal surrounding investigations of Russian financial flows in Switzerland.

The methods with which US-Democrats intend to further instrumentalize a rather meaningless Trump Tower meeting from June 2016 even after all that had been uncovered so far can be found in US-Senator Chuck Grassley's letter from December 3, 2018, by the way:

„Puzzlingly, your letter also cites yet another claim that was the subject of a high-profile retraction. You cited a CNN article from July 2018 to imply that Mr. Trump Jr. may have lied when he said he did not tell his father in advance about the June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting. That CNN article cited an anonymous source to claim that Mr. Cohen [Trump senior's ex-lawyer] had witnessed Mr. Trump Jr. tell his father about the meeting beforehand. That anonymous source was later revealed to be Lanny Davis, Cohen’s attorney, who retracted his claim in a bizarre media spectacle, which your office seems to have missed.”

Mid-January 2018 unveils further scandalous text exchanges between Peter Strzok and his high-ranking liason at the Justice Department, Lisa Page:

Peter Strzok: "Timing looks like hell. Will appear to be choreographed."
Lisa Page: "Yeah, that is awful timing. Nothing we can do about it."
Lisa Page: "And yeah, it's a real profile in courage [sic], since she knows no charges will be brought."

Since the text messages between Strzok and Page are so important, the FBI announces at the end of January 2018 that all electronic text messages from December 1, 2016 until May 17, 2017 between the two have allegedly been lost due to technical reasons. The five months are critical because these comprise not only the transition period for Trump's new US Administration, but also because exactly on May 17, 2017 Robert Mueller had begun his work as head of the Special Counsel. A US Senate Committee for Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs report from February 7, 2018 with more details regarding the Strzok/Page text exchanges is worth reading as well.

After having recovered some of the allegedly lost messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page it becomes clear why these were declared as deleted:

Peter Strzok: ”Think our sisters have begun leaking like mad. Scorned and worried, and political, they’re kicking into overdrive.”

Not only Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are later being demoted from their jobs, but in December 2018 also their superior at the FBI, Bill Priestrap.

On Januar 29, 2018 Andrew McCabe is about to be removed from his job as the second highest man within the FBI, no surprise given the many revelations about his political prejudices:

McCabe's wife is also criticized stark around mid February 2018 when it is revealed that she had received monetary support for her political campaign during the time when the FBI - and her husband - had an investigation running. Not long after ex-FBI Director James Comey exonerated Clinton from any responsibility of her handling of classified information on unsecured email servers - an investigation from which Andrew McCabe recused himself only a few days prior to the US presidential election in November 2016 - McCabe's wife had received around $1.25 million US dollars from Clinton supporters.

Consequently, McCabe is displaced from the FBI exactly two days before the beginning of his pension. Since he had to leave the FBI in dishonor, McCabe will not be able to receive the desirable monthly pension payments from the US government. But the high-ranking ex-FBI man with an accumulated wealth of about 11 million US dollars still sees himself as a victim despite his repeatedly documented and confirmed behavior as a so-called 'leaker' of sensitive information to the public. McCabe states the following after his job termination:

"It is part of this [Trump] administration's ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the special counsel investigation, which continue to this day. Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the special counsel's work."

Even a "GoFundMe" campaign for the multi-millionaire Andrew McCabe is initiated on the Internet, and which collects just under $500,000 US Dollar within a few days so that multi-millionaire McCabe "can cover his legal fees".

The Senate Memoranda

At the end of January 2018 a four-page memorandum is made available for review to selected members of the US Congress. Those who had a chance to see the document upfront had called the contents shameful, explosive, and so disturbing that they could bring serious damage to the leadership of the Department of Justice and the FBI. That the document is important was revealed by Democratic Senators Dianne Feinstein and Adam Schiff (both from California), and who issued statements that anyone who wishes to have the memorandum published would be connected to Russian propaganda efforts. Both asked California-based tech CEO's to block all users who intended to connect with the #ReleaseTheMemo moment on Twitter - almost as if it would be 1933 again, but this time in the US.

The FBI and the Department of Justice were equally reluctant to make the memorandum public, to the extent that another official statement of a Senate Commission had to be be issued on January 31, 2018:

“Having stonewalled Congress’ demands for information for nearly a year, it’s no surprise to see the FBI and DOJ issue spurious objections to allowing the American people to see information related to surveillance abuses at these agencies. The FBI is intimately familiar with ‘material omissions’ with respect to their presentations to both Congress and the courts, and they are welcome to make public, to the greatest extent possible, all the information they have on these abuses. Regardless, it’s clear that top officials used unverified information in a court document to fuel a counter-intelligence investigation during an American political campaign. Once the truth gets out, we can begin taking steps to ensure our intelligence agencies and courts are never misused like this again.”

Finally, on February 2, 2018 at 6:30pm the heatedly-discussed memorandum is made available to the public with redactions. The document makes serious allegations against high-ranking FBI and Department of Justice officials, as well as against the author of the anti-Trump dossier Christopher Steele, who according to the document is resposnsible for not only influencing high-ranking members of the US Department of Justice, but also for direct manipulation of media representatives.

A few days later another memorandum is presented to the public, this time by the Senators Grassley and Graham. This document shows that Christopher Steele had direct connections to the US State Department and was fed by Clinton friends with allegations against Trump. The memorandum further states that Steele even created a second dossier against Trump and which was also misused to illegally secure surveillance FISA-warrants of Trump's campaign members. Such spying took place via Carter Page for example, and who probably was selected by the FBI because of a speech he gave in Moscow, or maybe because of his complaining letters to Hillary Clinton and FBI Director James Comey.

The Grassley-Graham memo could not easily be arranged for by the Senate Commission a few days after the Nunes memo, but instead had to literally be battled for against the resistance from heads of the FBI and the Department of Justice.

The name Sid Blumenthal is read and heard shortly after as well, a longtime Clinton confidant who had been on the Clinton Foundation's payroll for some time, and who had provided the State Department with many information in times of the attack on the embassy in Benghazi.

The Uranium One FBI informant Douglas Campbell finally also gets the opportunity to testify in front of several US Congressional committees on February 8, 2018 regarding his role as an FBI-paid businessman who was directly involved in the takeover of Uranium One by Russian energy giant Rosatom. Campbell states among other that around $3 million Russian lobbying money went to the firm APCO Worldwide with many Clinton supporters as employees.

Dianne Feinstein, George Soros, and the Oligarch and the Escort Girl

Mid-February 2018 unveils additional matters. A democratic US-Senator by the name Mark Warner, and who happened to be a member of the US Intelligence Committee, was in contact in the previous year with a close aide of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and who advised Warner to re-contact Christopher Steele for even further alleged anti-Trump information. One should "leave no paper-trails", Warner texted to Adam Waldmann. Warner also had been on an exclusive monthly $40,000 contract with Deripaska in 2009 and 2010, which drew attention already back then. The oligarch's lawyer Adam Waldmann is explicitly asked by Senator Grassley on February 26, 2018 to answer a series of questions regarding Christopher Steele and his dossier.

It also turns out that a former confidant and close associate of well-known Democratic US Senator Dianne Feinstein by the name Daniel J. Jones had direct links to Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS, suggesting that the Californian Senator could have been at least one of the epicenters of the anti-Trump propaganda machine. This thesis is supported by a surprising article from Oleg Deripaska himself, published by on March 8, 2018. In it the oligarch states that Feinstein's close aide Daniel Jones - a former FBI employee by the way - had himself worked for Fusion GPS and mentioned to Deripaska's attorney Adam Waldman that Fusion GPS would be a shadowy media organization with influence on governments world-wide. Jones told Waldman that Fusion GPS is funded "by a group of Silicon Valley billionaires, and George Soros", Deripaska writes in his article, and Waldman confirmed the same in front of the US Senate Intelligence Committee on November 3, 2017.

Interestingly, about at same time of these developments in the US, a report from Russian opposition politician Alexey Navalny is presented in the Internet, and which connects Oleg Deripaska with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Prikhodko - the man with close ties to Vladimir Putin - under rather strange circumstances. It is more than unusual to allow a young Russian escort girl on a somewhat sensitive trip on Deripaska's yacht in Norway - a trip where Prichodko also happens to be present - to not only take a smartphone with her, but to also allow her using it more or less as she pleases.

In any case, the story with the Russian girl becomes even more strange when she is months later suddenly interviewed by CNN in a jail in Thailand.

Victoria Nuland, former US Assistant Secretary of State is also mentioned in the Nawalny video above. She had early knowledge about the Steele dossier (Minute 34:20) and had also close ties to a high-ranking diplomat under Bill Clinton named Strobe Talbott. Talbott's brother-in-law is Cody Shearer, an always loyal Clinton employee known not only in Washington, DC for his support of the Clintons.

For various reasons, the Ukraine is becoming a focus of the anti-Trump dossier as well, in particular the above mentioned Victoria Nuland and Alexandra Chalupa. Chalupa, a ukrainian-american born and close associate with the US Democrats had set out already in 2015 to investigate Paul Manafort, who was then recruited as a manager for Trump's presidential candidate campaign. Paul Manafort has close ties to the Ukraine, in particular to former Ukrainian President Yanukovych - and who was removed from his post as President about two weeks after the famous 2014 phone call between Victoria Nuland and the US (Obama) ambassador to the Ukraine. Chalupa frequently consulted with and for the orange-colored Ukrainian government as well as for the US State Department, hears about the Steele dossier, meets with John McCain's staff members, talks to media representatives such as Michael Isikoff from Yahoo! News, influences the US ambassador to the Ukraine and Congressmen in the US, and certainly had communicated also at least some of the salacious allegations of the dirty dossier about Trump.

Nellie Ohr testemunha mais tarde que os políticos ucranianos estavam ativamente envolvidos na criação do lamentável dossiê anti-Trump:

Interestingly, the head of the special counsel Robert Mueller is also connected to Deripaska. In 2009, the oligarch was asked by the FBI, headed then by Mueller, to provide monetary and organisational support for the liberation of the American Robert Levinson from Iran. Deripaska had donated several million US dollars on behalf of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe because the oligarch had successful businesses in Iran and the FBI was unable and not allowed to act directly in that country. But almost in the last minute then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had to cancel the success speech. A deal with the Iranians was pulled off after a long and intensely prepared exchange of Levinson, who is held captive since a 2007 CIA campaign.

Also, the FBI had met and paid a Russian agent $100,000 in Berlin in order to receive anti-Trump information - a venture that somehow turned out to be a fraud. Nevertheless, some FBI money was taken by the Russian spy for an alleged software hacking tool that he claimed to have but actually never really turned over to the FBI.

It is also unveiled that ex-CIA director John Brennan had most likely been one of the persons who had let the dirty dossier circle around in the Obama administration before, during, and also after the 2016 US election. Further news show that Brennan also made a surprise visit to Russia's secret service FSB in Moscow in March of 2016<, at that time the anti-Trump dossier project was in full force. Brennan also taught former Democratic senator Harry Reid about the alleged aid from Russia to Trump. In August 2016, Reid wrote a letter to then-FBI director James Comey urging the FBI to investigate Donald Trump, mainly because of the unverified dossier from Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS. Reid wrote shortly before the 2016 election:

”The evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump's presidential campaign continues to mount and has led Michael Morell, former Acting Central Intelligence Director, to call Trump an 'unwilling agent' of Russia and the Kremlin. The prospect of a hostile government actively seeking to undermine our free and fair elections represents one of the gravest threats to our democracy since the Cold War and it is critical for the Federal Bureau of Investigations to use every resource available (!) to investigate this matter thoroughly and in a timely fashion. The American people deserve to have a full understanding of the facts from a completed investigation before they vote this November [2016].”

On February 16, 2018 Rod Rosenstein proudly announces to the press that the so-called 'Special Counsel' had filed charges against 13 individuals and corporations because of espionage and interference in the past US election. For the most part these people and companies are residing in Russia, thus making an indictment difficult at least, if not impossible. A company with the name 'Internet Research Agency' based in St. Petersburg is part of the indictment list because Rosenstein and his charges claim that their 100 to 600 employees had allegedly initiated massive manipulation schemes of the entire US population before the last election.

One evidently needs to ask him- or herself why a special counsel is needed for such charges. Any prosecutor in the US would have equally been able for such indictments. The Mueller team may elegantly try to deflect from the many manipulations and quasi-criminal acts that have come to light so far within the US, primarily by so-called 'Democratic' politicians before, during, and after the 2016 election.

Some proof is brought a few months later when two lawyers surprisingly appear in court and plead 'not guilty' for one of Rosenstein's DOJ accused Russian companies named 'Concorde Management and Consulting'. The lawyers demand a hand-out of documents classified by the special counsel and complain that Robert Mueller's team would violate court rules.

In October 2018, the so-called Kremlin-project 'Lakhta' is unveiled. The Eastern District of Virginia in connection with the FBI indicts a Russian national from St.Petersburg by the name Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova because of her management of unlawful political influences of the United States and other countries through the use of social networks. According to the indictment, Project Lakhta is handled by the company Concorde Management and Consulting LLC through fundings from Russian oligarch Yevgeniy Prigozhin, Putin's so-called 'Chef'. The US prosecutors indirectly even accuse the Russian project of allegedly having stimulated and enforced the events surrounding Chartlottesville, Virginia.

Interestingly, some US Senators come to similar conclusions regarding Robert Mueller and the special counsel like the indicted Khusyaynova in the criminal complaint against her (on page 18).

Since the many revelations of the senatorial memoranda have not received much attention in the mass media, a document is sent to all congressmen and women on February 20, 2018 with ten questions concerning the Steele dossier and the attempted instrumentalisation of it, a more detailed committee questionnaire is explicitly sent on February 25, 2018 to John Podesta, the former manager of the 'Clinton for America' campaign.

A ten-page memorandum from Democratic representatives had also been prepared in the weeks before, which is presented to the public late February 2018. As expected, this document contributes more to confusion than to an actual clarification of the whole matter, the document prepared by some US Democrats like Adam Schiff is rejected and almost warned about by members of the House Intelligence Committee, as well as by senior senate members.

The traditional media representatives meanwhile continue to embarass themselves, are going after Nunes and twist the plain facts in a way that one can almost not just laugh about their reports any longer.

February 28, 2018 reveals that Hope Hicks, former communications manager to US President, resigns after being questioned a few days earlier by the US Congressional Intelligence Committee. Probably things are no longer anymore about the past, but rather about the next election in 2020, and for which anything will be done to prevent Trump's re-nomination. Just one day earlier, the US President had announced that the campaign manager for his next presidential election in 2020 will be Brad Parscale - and who had mostly focused on digital media campaigning in the past.

Parscale expressed his views a few weeks later on a lawsuit filed by the DNC on April 20, 2018 against the government of Russia, against Wikileaks, and the Trump campaign all at the same time [!]:

”This is a sham lawsuit about a bogus Russian collusion claim filed by a desperate, dysfunctional, and nearly insolvent Democratic Party”

By the way, the dirty anti-Trump dossier is not even mentioned in the DNC lawsuit.

Instead, another US Intelligence Committee's report from March 22, 2018 proves that the dossier was continued to be paid for even after Trump's inauguration in January 2017. A total of around $50 million US dollars is estimated, not just from the DNC but also from seven to ten wealthy individuals from New York and California, according to the official report. The document initially contained many blanked text passages, some of which are removed a few weeks later and since then shine a completely different light on the verdict of Trump's former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn.

End of September 2018 brings to light that a lawyer working for the Clinton-Campaign and the DNC by the name Sussmann was not only working with Fusion GPS in 2016, but had also fed the FBI with information igniting directly from Clinton's headquarter.

Senator Dianne Feinstein is also being further criticized, since it is unveiled that Feinstein's husband Richard Blum had a substantial ownership into URS Corporation through his investment firm, a company that had been rewarded with contracts worth 4 billion US dollars from the Department of Defense in the past.

A jury finds Paul Manafort guilty of having committed tax fraud in five cases and for failing to register as a foreign agent. Manafort does not present any witnesses during the trial and makes a plea deal with the 'Special Counsel' while promising to fully cooperate. A few weeks later even the judge complains that the arranged plea deal with Manafort would be ”highly unusual”, and that the 'Special Counsel' should provide for lower sentences. In addition, it is unveiled that members of the 'Special Counsel' had leaked important information regarding Paul Manafort to the press even before they were assigned to work with Robert Mueller's team. Mid October 2018 brings to light that a senior employee of the US Treasury Department in Washington, DC is arrested for leaking large volumes of financial reports - including those of interest to the 'Special Counsel' - to the press, in particular to BuzzFeed News.

The Boomerang is Back Again

Republican politicians had sent a proposal to the Justice Department already in July 2017 and in which the Representatives had repeatedly called upon Attorney General Jeff Sessions to initiate a second and truly independent 'Special Counsel' because of the FISA surveillance abuses, the Clinton email server drama, and many other unresolved scandals. Another such proposal is issued by Congressman Lee M. Zeldin on February 28, 2018 for example. A few days later, on March 6, 2018, another such proposal is written to both the Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, this time by the Chairman of the Committee for the Legislative and the Chairman of the Committee on Government Reforms. In any case, a criminal referral to the US Department of Justice for an investigation and indictment of several ex-Obama officials - including against James Comey and Hillary Clinton - is issued on April 18, 2018 by a number of Congressmen.

A new chapter is opened on April 8, 2018, when - based on the recommendations from Robert Mueller's special counsel - the Department of Justice suddenly issues an order to prosecuting attorney's from the Southern District of New York (SDNY). These ultimately break into the New York office of the personal lawyer of the US President, Michael Cohen, and confiscate documents and computers. Another reckless stunt show of the special counsel, and who seem to run with full speed against the US Constitution - one can only hope that it will be similar to the MS Titanic. By the way, the court of the SDNY - one of 94 District Courts in the US - had already devoted itself to the Titanic matter back then, and also to the many civil lawsuits regarding the terrorist attacks from September 11, 2001. Robert Mueller had - just by coincidence of course - been appointed as the new head of the FBI exactly one month prior to the catastrophic attacks in New York by the way, and a well-honored alumni member of the SDNY is no other than ex-FBI Director James Comey and whose memoranda regarding the meetings with Donald Trump were released, only further criticizing the ex-FBI Director.

Some prosecutors in New York are coming directly under fire, including Attorney General Eric Schneiderman who is accused - along with allegations from numerous women - of turning a blind eye to a proper registration of hundreds of millions of dollars donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Further discoveries regarding the attack on Michael Cohen, the personal lawyer of Donald Trump, follow soon. It is announced that the judge responsible for the Cohen lawsuit is no other than Kimba Woods. Woods, judge for one of the important US District Courts, had been Bill Clinton's preferred candidate for the position as Attorney General. She had also been honored guest and speaker at George Soros' third wedding in 2013. And she is also known for having been a Playboy Bunny in the 60s, as well as through a relationship with a multi-millionaire, earning her the nickname "Love Judge".

Finally, it is revealed that the FBI had not only illegally surveilled Trump's campaign with microphone and radio, but even with and through at least one spy who had at the same time been on the payroll of the Democratic Party.

Last but not least, on the last day of February 2018, the Department of Justice officially announces that it would now like to initiate an investigation into the many FISA surveillance abuses. That same evening, Attorney General Jeff Sessions meets his chief prosecutor Rod Rosenstein at a nice (and certainly very expensive), medium-rare steak dinner in a restaurant in Washington, DC, instead of distancing himself from his Deputy Attorney General. This further illustrates the conditions in the swamp of Washington, DC (the city was built on swamp wetlands).

Shortly after, at the end of March 2018, the US Department of Justice declares that it is about to kickstart an investigation into all the scandals and issues that had been discovered so far - this under the leadership of a prosecutor by the name Huber from the State of Utah - fortunately far away from Washington, DC.

Even after the newly appointed Attorney General Barr pushes the Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the beginning of 2019 to finally finish his project, the many political and unethical opponents of Trump's government would not concede to the fact that no obstruction of justice and no collusion of Trump's campaign could have been determined, not after two years of investigations, over $30 million spend on 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, more than 2800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 13 request to foreing nations and over 500 interviewed witnesses. Since Mueller's full report will most likely be more of a radical political instrument than an acutal legal document, two US-Senators publish in anticipation of further weaponized illegal boomerangs from Mueller's now officially terminated hit team a document worth reading from November 2017 to the Special Counsel.

There is plenty of evidence of a deep state not only in the US: shadow governments around the globe, whose many members do not care much than about themselves and about their self-focused interests - circumstances that remind to the gravitational conditions in a galactic black hole.

There should be no future for these 'Deep States'. Donald Trump's achievement will it be until the end of times to have revealed this gigantic black hole full of quasi-criminal, deeply networked, highly corrupt and egoistic politicians, bureaucrats, and media representatives.

In addition, it is indeed a great miracle that in November 2016 Donald Trump had become the 45th US President:

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Este artigo é inteiramente criado e escrito por Martin D., um jornalista de investigação acreditado e independente da Europa. Tem um MBA de uma Universidade dos EUA e um Bacharelato em Sistemas de Informação e trabalhou no início da sua carreira como consultor nos EUA e na UE. Ele não trabalha para, não consulta, não possui acções ou não recebe financiamento de qualquer empresa ou organização que beneficiaria deste artigo até à data.

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E Se ?

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Um movimento para selar
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Foi um escândalo então e é um escândalo agora
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