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A Top Gun Year
An honest look back at the 2017 fake news media and US democrats tactics
A Top Gun Year
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To summarize the many 2017 US democrats tacles and the defense against the fake news mainstream media around the globe, we decided to chose the following video.

Insiders will surely understand the Top Gun movie excerpt below. The plane on the lower part is a Russian MiG-28 jet by the way - hijacked by probably one of the many Special Counsel members or ex-FBI Director James Comey maybe.

Watch the birdie, guys:

Jes, that 2017 cracked myself up. Happy New Fake News Year !

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It was a scandal then and is a scandal now

The Clinton E-Mails on unsecured computers

The Democratic Neglection Committee

About an election robbery and a mysterious death

Blaming Russia with Boomerang

About the biggest political scandal in the history of the United States

What Really Happened

About Hillary Clintons latest book - and about what else had happened

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