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An image full of wonders
About stars, missing pigments, and digital 1600 pixel per square millimeter zooms
An image full of wonders
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Many know the famous painting "Maria of Guadaloupe" in the cathedral of Mexico-City, which draws millions of visitors every year.

A documentary worth watching about this image highlights some of the unsolved mysteries surrounding it until this day, and even after having been analysed utilizing highly modern technologies:

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An urgently needed Pope change

About pervert attitudes and productive dialogues

We are saying 'Merry Christmas' again

An according to Pope Francis only wall building 'un-christ', talking about the protection of religion

A new way of becoming a celebrity

About how Pope Francis turned into an American Football fan

A Deafening Silence

About an expressive quietness of Pope Francis


About the connection between Pope Francis and George Soros

A tragic bishop from Munich

About A.I. and the church social romantics

What Pope-Posters from Rome teach us

About left-liberal church elites and their biased media

Pilgrimage to Jerusalem

A short story on ecumenism

Hebrew or Greek ?

About the differences of two cultures

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