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Russia Projection Stream 2
About a nordic gasline sabotage and monks from Poland
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Russia Projection Stream 2

Poland was a rather barbaric country for a long time before knights of the Catholic German Order arrived in the 12th century to civilize the region. In need of a new occupation after the Islamic conquest of Jerusalem, these knights warrior-knights were sent to the Baltic Sea to do more than just spread the good news of the Bible. It took many centuries and bloody wars before the mostly barbaric Poles were finally region was tamed according to the Germans and the region successfully Christianized. Rome, and so-called 'Christianized'. One of the largest medieval castles ever built near Gdansk underscores this fact. Known as Marienburg, meaning the Fortress of Mary, it remains largely intact today as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, demonstrating the enormous strategic importance of the entire region to the Church at the time.


Apparently, a tiny area in or near the Polish city of Gdansk refuses to adhere to true Christian values, even to this day, it seems. A good thousand years later, on September 26, 2022, and not too far from Gdansk, the entire world was shocked to see a gigantic bubble erupt on the surface of the Baltic Sea as a result of a total of three explosions near the Nord Stream pipelines at the bottom of the sea.
Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion Site
The entire Western mainstream media machine was quick to blow the horn against Russia, blaming Putin for personally ordering the destruction of a brand new source of income for Russian gas in exchange for euros, as we all know.

After the brainwashing machine had finished its usual months-long job of fixing projections on Russia, word leaked out in small reports in reports that U.S. special operations might have been responsible for the sabotage of the brand-new second German-Russian joint partnership gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea. Few noticed these reports because the mainstream media were busy brainwashing their populations over ridiculously low numbers of tank and fighter jet deliveries to Ukraine. Ukraine meanwhile.

In the spring of 2023, another suspicious narrative was suddenly peddled by the mainstream media. machine. It blamed a Ukrainian militant group for the infamous Nord Stream pipeline sabotage. But since the identities of these Ukrainian sea warriors could not be determined after so-called "intensive intelligence gathering", the consequences nearly zeroed out. In the end, it must have been Russia. Chapter closed. Voilà.

Interestingly and unnoticed by many, in the months leading up to the two gas pipeline explosions at the Baltic bottom, a gigantic vessel unmoored US shores to head to the Baltic Sea. Codenamned Codenamed LHD3 on the world's military ship tracking radar, the vessel was ordered to return to the Baltic in August 2022 after a short trip to Stockholm and a brief stay in Mediterranean waters.
USS Kearsarge
The real boat behind the codenamed LHD3 vessel is the USS Kearsarge, a large amphibious warfare ship designed to plan, host, and conduct U.S. special operations.

Homeported in Norfolk, Virginia, the USS Kearsarge participated in a number of NATO-led military drills in the Baltic in the summer of 2022. It was cheered and welcomed by local and even national German news outlets on August 3, 2022, when the USS Kearsarge and its escort, the USS Arlington, passed the northeastern German coast at around 6p.m. The German news report does not shy away from the fact that the two gigantic U.S. US ships, carrying 4,000 soldiers, helicopter pilots, U.S. US Marines, doctors and strategists, switched off their automatic identification systems (AIS) near the Danish island of Bornholm so that regular radar systems would not be able to detect them. Months later, various US news outlets told the story that satellite images had revealed two "dark ships" happily floating over the sea explosion sites in the days before the bomb detonations, with exactly this AIS identification system turned off.

US Senator Ron Johnson at a US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing from December 7, 2021

The USS Kearsarge and its fleet stayed in Helsinki, Finland in early August 2022 for around a week. In early September 2022, news articles report that the USS Kearsarge "is currently cruising the Baltic Sea". The US Navy and also Polish press reports finally confirm that the USS Kearsarge was harboured in Gdynia, a port near Gdansk, from September 14 until September 19, 2022.

While [USS] Kearsarge docks in Helsinki, [USS] Arlington will conduct a port visit to Stockholm, Sweden, while [USS] Gunston Hall calls on Tallinn, Estonia. These port visits demonstrate the United States’ commitment to working with key NATO allied and partner nations to preserve security and stability in the Baltic Sea region.

United States Marines Website from August 5, 2022

By September 20, the USS Kearsarge was joined by USS Gunston and USS Arlington grouped under the PHIBRON 6 squadron to perform excercises in the Gulf of Gdansk, not too far from the three gas pipeline explosion sites. The entire US fleet was on its way back, passing the Baltic Sea island of Fehmarn in northern Germany again by September 22, 2022. The gigantic US vessels were once again seen from German shores only 4 days before the first explosion at the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was officially noticed recorded by the Swedish National Seismic Network at around 2am local time and confirmed by Danish fighter jets shortly afterwards over the bubblish sea site. One day later, on September 27, 2022, Hours later at around 7pm, at least two additional explosions at the Nord Stream 1 pipeline near north east of Bornholm were detected by Sweden's National Seismic Network.

Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion Map

It is important to note that amphibious warfare ships such as the USS Kearsarge are capable of transporting large ground forces from a point of embarkation to the point at sea where an assault is to be made. They also allow a larger number of smaller boats to transport ground forces from the large ships to shore. These ships typically carry a wide variety of military equipment, vehicles, and gear, depending on the mission. Unique to the USS Kearsarge is that the ship is loaded with Marines. These in turn are since the 1973 War Powers Act the prefered preferred troop choice for any US president to be send by direct executive order into so-called "low-intensity conflicts" - without generals, admirals, or the US Congress being able to interfere much.

Since the three explosion sites are close to the Danish island of Bornholm, it is equally important to mention that the Danish government was one of the countries that opposed the construction of the North Stream 2 pipeline most - along with the US, Ukraine, and also Poland. In 2019, when already 60% of the pipeline was laid,
Since the three explosion sites are close to the Danish island of Bornholm, it is equally important to mention that the Danish government was one of the countries that opposed the construction of the North Stream 2 pipeline most - along with the US, Ukraine, and also Poland.
the Nord Stream AG corporation in Germany had to abandon the idea of laying the pipeline in Danish-owned territory and re-routed it further outside of Bornholm, since the Copenhagen government ignored previous pipeline plans for over two years.

Additionally, the organisational efforts for the logistics and detonation of three larger underwater bombs exactly near two different gas pipelines should not be underestimated and are quite intensive. Foreign nations have their own intelligence services, mainly Poland and Denmark, possibly also Finland and Sweden, which clearly would have sounded the alarm bells if something suspicious of that dimension was in the making without their knowledge. Negotiations and organisational efforts must have occurred in the months, weeks and days before the first explosion explosions on September 26, 2022. If Russia wanted to cut the flow of gas to Europe for military and gas price gains, it could have easily faked problems at the gas injection sites at Vyborg and Ust-Luga near St. Petersburg.


Undersecretary Victoria Nuland at a US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing from January 26, 2023

As early as beginning of October 2022, the Russian government was "proposing an open, comprehensive and credible investigation with the participation of representatives of the Russian side", as a government document from Moscow shows. On March 27, 2023, the Russian government drafted a resolution at the United Nations Security Council for the establishment of an independent commission by the UN Secretary General to investigate the circumstances of the pipeline explosions. The resolution was not accepted: China and Brazil voted in favour, the rest of the Security Council abstained from voting, making the proposal void because of lack of support.

There are a number of mysteries surrounding the two ships that sailed past the site of the explosion before September 26, 2022. The Greek tanker 'Minerva Julie', which sailed from Rotterdam in the Netherlands to the Baltic Sea, having at least one Ukrainian electrical engineer on board, circled the Nord Stream 1 explosion site from September 6 to 12, 2022 in a very strange way. The oil tanker has a history of connections with Eastern European oligarchs according to Ukrainian reports. A second mysterious boat is the 'Andromeda', a Bavarian C50 family sailing boat, which - very allegedly and according to mainstream media narratives - was somehow able to transport hundreds of kilos of explosives
Russian Foreign Ministry
letter dated April 5, 2023
and bury them at the bottom of the Baltic Sea with the help of divers on board and their heavy equipment.

Noteworthy is that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited Oslo, Norway a good month before the first explosion at the NordStream 2 pipeline was discovered. On August 15, 2022, he participated in the so-called 'Nordic Counsel', where he met a total of 5 Scandinavian heads of states within 8 hours, discussing energy issues and the Ukraine war. Whether it was discussed early on there in Oslo to have the now exploded former NordStream gas pipelines be replaced with a gigantic liquid natural gas LNG-Terminal outside of Ruegen Island, intended to be harboured not too far from the previous endpoints of NordStream 1 and 2, is unknown so far.

Twitter message "Thank you, USA" by Polish MEP Sikorski
from September 27, 2022

Interesting, too, is that
US president Joe Biden, who was the main contact point for Ukraine during his 8 year vice-presidency under Obama, visits Poland almost twice a year nowadays, also in March 2022. It is not known whether he discussed the role of his son Hunter Biden in the Ukrainian gas giant Burisma, or if he met with Poland's former Prime Minister Kwasniewski, who sat on the same Burisma board next to Hunter Biden. What is known is that Joe Biden mingled with various Polish state officials during his stay at the end of March 2022. One of his get-togethers depict him sitting in a U-shaped discussion round with a gentleman dressed in Catholic monk clothes:

Sort of like the ghosts of ancient German monks from Mary's Fortress near Gdansk.

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This article was entirely created and written by Martin D., an accredited and independent, investigative journalist from Europe. He holds an MBA from a US University and a Bachelor Degree in Information Systems and had worked early in his career as a consultant in the US and EU. He does not work for, does not consult, does not own shares in or receives funding from any corporation or organisation that would benefit from this article so far.

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