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The Sifu Aikido
About a Bavarian martial justice scandal and knights from Jerusalem
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The Sifu Aikido

Martial arts is a sportive discipline many engage in. As early as 3400 BCE, Egyptian paintings depict the wrestlings of people, one of the first organised fighting drawings. While most martial arts developments happened in Asia over the coming centuries, one of them the discipline of Aikido, a mid-sized town in Bavaria, Germany seems to have become the global center of literally revolutionary martial arts developments quite recently.

This entirely new Bavarian justice fighting style had its initiation probably around mid 2019, when E., a successful martial arts teacher from that town who successfully taught his own martial arts style to over 5,000 students in an association of a number of various martial arts schools in the area, made a trip to his native country of Turkiye to hold a week-long seminar at a beach hotel resort there.

Seminar in Turkiye


E., a successful martial arts teacher who successfully taught his own martial arts style to over 5,000 students in an association of a number of various martial arts schools in the area, made a trip to his native country of Turkiye to hold a week-long seminar at a beach hotel resort there. He is indicted 3 months later for allegedly having 'sexually abused' one of his female students there, had no criminal record or experience with the justice system before.

Mainstream Reporting


At the end of September 2020, E. is convicted on probation. A few days later, local mainstream media outlets report about the conviction, which leads another former martial arts student to file a criminal referral after contacting the female lawyer of the initial two plaintiffs. Local prosecutors issue an immediate arrest order for investigational reasons, E. is put behind bars after he voluntarily turned himself in.

Convictions and Contradictions


Six months later, the court proceedings begin, another four months later E. is convicted a second time, officially for having 'raped' his former martial arts student at a sexual encounter on May 22, 2017, more than 3 years earlier. The 90 pages sentencing memoranda is full of contradictions and partly scandalous justifications. The joint plaintiff had herself paid for restaurant visits during '5 to 7 times' sexual contacts with E. from beginning November until mid December 2016, which is when E. had distanced himself from her.

Knights from Jerusalem


She finds a new relationship friend at the end of 2016 but shortly after commits a suicide attempt, which fails because her shoe ties allegedly got tangled. She continued to participates in martial arts training for another three months after an alleged 'rape' from May 2017. Her father is a known law professor at the local university where she is enrolled in law studies as well, made an internship at the same prosecutor's office that would later indict E. on dubious charges. Father B. is a member of the Catholic 'Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem'.

He invited a female martial arts student to his hotel room and - about three months later back home in Bavaria - was suddenly indicted by the local public prosecutor's office for allegedly having "sexually abused" his female student. E. never had any issues with the legal system, was never indicted, nor convicted, not known for tax issues, not even unpaid parking tickets. A second Bavarian female martial art student joined the initial martial justice indictment and stated that E. had during a training session months earlier allegedly "biten into her toe nail" when demonstrating unusual attacks, a toe nail which had turned blue not for weeks, but allegedly "for months" according to the 90 page court document.

Anna S.
Both plaintiffs confirm that a sexual penetration never occurred at any time. In September 2020, E. is convicted by a local court for the first time and fined on probation, most likely also because of very weak Bavarian defence fighters.

The Bavarian justice fight did not end here, however, but kick-started again exactly two days after the very weak official on-probation indictment from the end of September 2020. Which is when a known local mainstream newspaper issued a first report from a whole series of such about E.'s case. Only few days after the initial local mainstream media kicks, another then 20-year old female plaintiff joined the first two females in their claims from about a year earlier. She stated she was "sexually abused" and even "raped" by E. during some of her solo training sessions in the small office of the city center martial arts school. Not recently, but about three to four years earlier from the end of 2016 until mid 2017 at the latest.

E., now in Turkiye for a few weeks, heard about an immediate Bavarian arrest order in October 2020 and decides to voluntarily turn himself in. He takes a flight back to Germany and goes to the airport police immediately upon arrival. He is arrested and imprisoned in the still majority private-owned (!) prison nearby. After around six months humiliating routine prison time, pre-trial detention, the court hearings begin. Another four months later, the local regional court fines E. with a hefty term of 4 years and 3 months in prison, officially for "rape" and "sexual assault" mainly during a sexual act with the late joint plaintiff that happened allegedly on May 22, 2017. E.'s reputation is fully destroyed when further newspapers in Germany report about the case. He is forced to close his association and school soon. About 5,000 former martial arts students from the area are understandably disappointed at a minimum.

Nevertheless, while in Taekwon-Do, Karate, Judo and many other martial arts styles one is taught how to kick, hit and use active force against his or her opponent, the rare discipline of Aikido uses a very different approach. In Aikido, it is forbidden to hit an opponent with direct force, one is allowed to only and solely use the opponent's energy to make him or her fall.

The first attack in the Summer of 2019 leading to a conviction about a year and a half later can be returned quite appropriately, when, after intensive research, it is was found out that the court document alleges E. until today of having been "angry with the plaintiff" in Turkiye when she allegedly "refused to further engage in sexual acts" as allegedly advised by E., who "dragged her with force to the elevator" after leaving the hotel room. Because this quite attractive blonde had her hotel room in an entirely separated hotel block where E. calmly and peacefully accompanied her first to, then sort of gentleman like left her at the elevator of that separated hotel resort block. One is also tempted to ask the Aikido-styled question why on Earth a toe nail would allegedly stay "blue for months".

Timeline of major events

The Aikido clearly reaches higher, so called Sifu black belt competences, when going into the detailed allegations of the joint plaintiff, who filed her complaint shortly after E.'s first conviction at the end of September 2020 - and the initial Bavarian mass media reports that followed days later.

A court witness testified that the joint plaintiff C. had a relationship with him all through 2015, he confirms that C. would "regularly cut her own skin" in a semi-suicidal way. What's more, late plaintiff C. herself testified that a sexual intercourse did explicitly also not happen with her at any time. She confirms "5 to 7 times" sexual contacts with E. during the timeframe from early November until around mid December 2016, which is when E. himself aborted the blow-job-only-relationship by distancing himself from his female martial arts student.

Those five to seven encounters during seven weeks in the Fall of 2016 went along with a few restaurants visits of the two, where the late joint plaintiff C. had paid the bill at least one time, hence inviting her "rapist" herself. At the end of December 2016, late joint plaintiff she finds a new relationship partner, who is later called by the court subpoenaed to testify as a witness. witness in court. Instead of being happily in love however, joint plaintiff C. would allegedly commit a failed suicide attempt only two weeks later in mid January, January according to the court document, which is when she told E. after another a training session that she had just fallen in love with someone else. Highly allegedly, "shoe ties got tangled" according to her statements, which is what even more allegedly rescues her at the last second from jumping in front of a car on a busy road that night.

Suddenly, after more than half a year without any close encounters, C. and E. would have another solo training session in the blood-boiling Springtime - following a long Bavarian semi-alpine winter - on May 22, 2017. She apparently emits that something is missing in her life, E. and his late joint plaintiff would end up inside the small 4 x 4 meter martial arts office room. He locks the street door so that they cannot be disturbed and have a consentual sexual act according to E.'s testimony, this also here without real intercourse as confirmed by both. She claims that even the office door was locked on purpose and against her will, but forgets to mention that E. had many times massaged her ahead of sexual acts. For such a massage, E. needs to entirely leave the small office room and fetch a massage table plus a massage oil from a small storage around 5 meter away from the small office. Joint

As mentioned, joint
plaintiff C. would only three and a half years later file a criminal complaint, this after she had read the mainly local mainstream media slanders and engaged with the same female lawyer of above mentioned two initial plaintiffs.

Meanwhile, late joint plaintiff C. would not immediately abrupt her martial arts training, training following an alleged "rape" from the end of May, but would continue to paractise martial arts at E.'s school for another three months. She has a martial arts exam still in July of 2017. It is not until September 2017 that she would cancel her contractually regulated martial art membership with E., this now for three months retrospectively.

Key and helpful for such a truly vicious September attack may have been the joint plaintiff's father,

Father B.
who is a known law professor at the local University, where his daughter had enrolled to begin her studies in the exact same discipline a good year before. He may have also been instrumental in advising his daughter to do an internship with the same local Public Prosecutor's Office that would three years later indict E. on dubious charges.

Father B. has or at least had his own Wikipedia page, which states he is a member of the very Catholic, so-called "Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem". His wife and joint plaintiff's mother reportedly tried to shape her daughter's education by obligating her to live like the Virgin Mary until the age of 20 at a minimum - with limited success, it seems. In the past years, the town had been one of the Bavarian centers for so-called "re-christianisations" and a "renewal of the Catholic faith".

E., who is a practising practicing Muslim, was clearly overwhelmed, obviously out of his depth and ill-advised badly advised by his legal defenders. advisors. A costly, 20.000,00 costly 20,000.00 Euro revision appeal of the entire case - prepared by Munich lawyers who assembled the revision with roughly 80% of copies from police and other reports - was rejected dismissed by Germany's highest court with in a resolution decision consisting of two sentences.

The majority of
When after investigations and new revelations E. files a criminal referral in late 2022 against the seemingly unbelievable facts and information stated here are joint plaintiff for lying under oath, the local public prosecutor's office would not even initiate proceedings into the result of time consuming investigations, joint plaintiff, but overwhelmingly mentioned once again against E. for "daring to question the verdict". E. is sentenced to a fine in the roughly 90 pages court sentencing memorandum from 2021 itself. middle of 2023 after total legal defensive incompetence in what can only be described a mafia-styled local judicial system, instead of having the entire proceeding re-evaluated. He has been in prison for over three years.

It's probably time for Bavaria's political higher-up's to understand the art of Aikido.

Most of the seemingly unbelievable facts and circumstances listed here are not even the result of time-consuming research and investigation, but are mostly found in the approximately 90-page judicial statement of verdict reasons from 2021. A 35-page legal analysis, which was the basis for an apparently unsuccessful pardon letter at the end of 2022, can be viewed here (please request access by email).

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